Mindy Granley

Mindy Granley - individual MCAP award 2023

Individual Adaptation Award 2023

As Sustainability Officer at the City of Duluth, Mindy Granley is responsible for improvement of City policies, programs, and initiatives in support of local environmental, economic, and social systems.

In her role, she incorporates sustainability into decision making, measures and communicates progress, and builds partnerships for change. During her first two years at the City of Duluth, Mindy led creation of the City’s first Climate Action Work Plan, pushed for adoption of new performance standards for City-owned buildings, established an interdepartmental Sustainability Advisory Team, and led multiple successful grant funded projects with City and community partners.

Previously, Mindy served for 12 years as sustainability director at the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD), reducing campus emissions and integrating sustainability into the learning experience for all students. Her academic training is in watershed management, earning a M.S. from the University of Minnesota. Prior to her sustainability career, she spent six years helping to protect northern Minnesota trout streams and Lake Superior that she loves.


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