Upcoming Events

Winter Webinar: Climate threats to outdoor recreation
Tuesday, March 19
Many popular winter recreational activities this year have been forced to cancel or change course due to unprecedented warm temperatures and lack of snow. In January, temperatures dipped enough for Lake Nokomis to freeze just days before the opening weekend of the US Pond Hockey Championship, but above average temperatures led organizers to cancel the second weekend of the event. And last fall, organizers of the Twin Cities Marathon also made the difficult decision to call off the race as temperatures rose high enough to threaten runners’ health. Join us for a conversation with leaders in outdoor recreation across our region — including organizers of Wisconsin’s Birkie ski race — about how these events can plan for and adapt to climate change, and how we can embrace equitable action in climate adaptation.
This webinar is co-hosted with the University of Minnesota Tourism Center.

2023 Midwest Climate Resilience Conference
Inspiring and encouraging climate adaptation in communities throughout the Midwest
October 25 - 27, 2023 | Duluth, MN
In collaboration with a wide range of partners and supporters, the University of Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership (MCAP) will host the first Midwest Climate Resilience Conference, October 25 - 27, 2023 in Duluth, MN. The call for session and presentation proposals is now open.
MCAP Named Recipient of Climate Resilience Fund Grant Award
Amanda Farris, Senior Program Manager for MCAP, has been named 1 of 24 recipients of the Climate Resilience Fund Coordination and Collaboration in the Resilience Ecosystem Program. The grant program will provide funding for climate service practitioners who will support efforts to scale up and accelerate equity-centered adaptation planning across the U.S.
Thank you for the 2023 Minnesota Climate Adaptation Awards Nominations!
The University of Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership received over 30 nominiations for the 2023 Minnesota Climate Adaptation Awards! These awards celebrate exceptional achievements in leadership, education, research, policies, and practices that improve resilience or climate justice. We look forward to celebrating all of our nominees and award recipients on Saturday, January 28, 2023.
MCAP at the National Adaptation Forum
Heading to the National Adaptation Forum in Baltimore, MD next week? Be sure to look for the MCAP team and check out the presentations we will be sharing about our work!