Nate is an Associate Director and acting Interim Director of the University of Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership. He has over twenty years of experience with the research-based design and leadership of environment-focused Extension programs that emphasize community-based innovation, effective teaching methods, informative curricula, and civic engagement. His research is focused on propelling innovation to strengthen Extension programs, as well as community-based efforts to tackle complex environmental challenges like climate change. Nate is specifically interested in productively integrating evaluation to strengthen critical thinking for innovation. In addition to his work on innovation practice, he has also explored public participation in science research as a rich STEM learning environment.
Research Interests
Transformative social-ecological change, Innovation practice, Social learning, Extension, Evaluation, Qualitative Research
Current Projects
Selected Publications and Presentations
Jackson, J., & Meyer, N. (2022). Application of an Adaptive Extension Learning Model to Support Hybrid Poplar Utilization. Short Rotation Woody Crops International Conference, Asheville, NC.
Desprez, J., Russell, M. B., Strauss, A. L., & Meyer, N. J. (2021). Gathering perceptions to strengthen program planning: A citizen science project highlighting deer impacts on vegetation. Journal of Extension, 58(2). Retrieved from
Jackson, J., Reichenbach, M., & Meyer, N. (2020). Application of the Social-Ecological Innovation in Action Model to a Hybrid Poplar Program. Invited online presentation. Duluth MN: Short Rotation Woody Crop Webinar and Regional Updates Series.
Meyer, R.L., Meyer, N.J., & Katras, M.J. (2020). Developing Extension Program Innovation Capacity to Tackle Complex Social and Environmental Challenges. National Association of Extension Program and Staff Development Professionals, Online.
Strauss, A.L., Oberhauser, K., Meyer, N., Nippolt, P. (2020). Citizen Science in Education: Driven to Discover. In Lepczyk, C., Vargo, T., & Boyle, O. (Eds.) Handbook of Citizen Science in Ecology and Conservation. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
Becher, E., Chazdon, S., Meyer, N., Mohr, C., & Grant, S. (2019). Embedding Evaluators in Content Areas: A Strong Path to the Future. American Evaluation Association International Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Jackson, J., Buchman, D., Reichenbach, M., Meyer, N., & Lazarus, W. (2019). The New Bio-Economy, Hybrid Poplar, and Woodland Owners in the Midwestern United States. Duluth MN: IUFRO Small Scale Forestry Conference.
Meyer, R.L., Meyer, N.J., & Katras, M.J. (2019). Making the Leap: Utilizing a Framework for Evaluation to Strengthen Factors that Support Program Innovation. American Evaluation Association International Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Rodríguez, L.F., Marshall, A., Cotton, D., Koelsch, R., Koziel, D., Meyer, D., Steward, D., Heemstra, J., Padmanabahn, A., Classen, J., Meyer, N.J., Ruddell, B., Ryan, S.M., Cai, X., Habib, E., & Saundry, P.D., (2019). The development of the INFEWS-ER: A virtual resource center for transdisciplinary graduate training at the nexus of food, energy. and water. Frontiers in Environmental Science.
Meyer, R.L., Meyer, N.J., & Katrass, M. (2018). Taking the leap: Exploring a theory of program innovation. Journal of Extension. Special Issue on Innovation in Extension. [On-Line], 56(5). Article v56-5a4. Available at
Chazdon, S., Meyer, N., Mohr, C., & Troschinetz, A. (2017). Public value posters: Conveying societal benefits of extension programs through evaluation evidence. Journal of Extension [On-Line], 55(4). Article 4TOT1. Available at
Meyer, N.J., Boyce, S.P., & Meyer, R.L. (2015). A call to embrace program innovation. Journal of Extension [On-Line], 53(3). Article 3COM1. Available at
Meyer, N.J., & Cotton, D. (2015). Evaluation is a Critical Process for Extension Program Innovation. Omaha, NB: North Central Agricultural and Natural Resources Leaders Training Program.
Bertsch, B, Adrian, A, Jeannette, K., & Meyer, N. (2016). Networks and Extension - Developing your Online Network to Lead, Learn, and Engage. San Antoino, TX: National eXtension Conference.