MCAP partnered with the USDA's Midwest Climate Hub, the Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessments, the Northern Forests Climate Hub, and the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science to develop an agricultural vulnerability assessment for Minnesota. This report includes historical climate change information from 1979 to 2021, projected changes under future greenhouse gas emissions scenarios, impacts of these changes (both historical and projected) on agricultural operations, and considerations for adapting agricultural operations to these impacts. The climate metrics presented in these assessments include temperature, precipitation, humidity, and their extremes.
Suggested Citation
Roop, H. A., Meyer, N., Klinger, G., Blumenfeld, K., Liess, S., Farris, A., Boulay, P., Baule, W., Andresen, J., Bendorf, J., Wilson, A. B., Nowatzke, L., Todey, D., & Ontl, T. (2024). Climate Change Impacts on Minnesota Agriculture. Ames, Iowa: United States Department of Agriculture Climate Hubs, University of Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership and Great Lakes Research Integrated Science Assessment.