Tuesday, June 20, Noon to 1:00 p.m.
As a society, we need to accelerate greenhouse gas reductions to lessen future climate changes while concurrently hastening our resilience to the climate changes already underway and those anticipated. Mitigation and adaptation are distinct tasks but where possible we should pursue opportunities that can yield both. Solar if deployed deliberately is one such opportunity.
Join the MCAP team on Tuesday, June 20 at Noon to learn more from Pat Hamilton about the adaptation and mitigation potential of solar for our communities.
Virtually over Zoom
Patrick (Pat) Hamilton is the Manager of Sustainability Initiatives at the Science Museum of Minnesota. He also is an AAAS Fellow, a Fellow of the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment, a member of the Advisory Board to the University of Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership, and a member of the leaders circle to America Is All In – a network of over 1,800 U.S. institutions committed to an all-of-society approach to addressing climate change.