Heidi is the Director of the University of Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership and an Assistant Professor of Climate Science at the University of Minnesota. She also serves as Minnesota’s Extension Specialist for Climate Science and Adaptation. Her research and Extension programs, including MCAP, combine cutting-edge climate science, science communication and the principles of knowledge co-production to increase the use and integration of future climate change information in decision-making at a range of scales—from city and state to national and international levels. By producing actionable, relevant, and user-informed climate science products and tools, Heidi helps diverse stakeholders prepare for, and manage, the risks of a changing climate. Her climate science research has led her around the world where she has participated in research from Greenland and Antarctica to the mountains of Vietnam and New Zealand. In addition to her appointments at the University of Minnesota, she also is an Affiliate Assistant Professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Washington.
Research Interests
Climate Adaptation, Climate Change, Decision Science, Climate Impacts, Climate Change Communication, Science-society Interactions
Current Projects
- High-Resolution Climate Projections for the State of Minnesota
- The Dashboard for Agricultural Water Use and Nutrient Management (DAWN)
- Advancing Atmospheric River Hazard Communications in a Changing Climate
- Helping Water Utilities Plan and Design for a Changing Climate in the Pacific Northwest
- Developing Community-Based Climate Messengers: Training and peer learning to expand capacity and opportunities for climate communication, education, and action across Greater Minnesota.
- Collaborative Research: An ice core from Hercules Dome, East
- Antarctica
- 2021 Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop: High-Speed Connectivity Needs to Advance US Antarctic Science
- Environmental science agency for climate change (ESACC): Supporting students and teachers with a digital, localizable, NGSS learning experience
Selected Publications and Presentations
Hillier, J.K. Welsh, K.E., Stiller-Reeve, M., Priestly, R.K., Roop, H.A., Lanza, T., Illingworth, S., in review. Geoscience Communication: Planning to Make it Publishable. Geoscience Communication.
Hoffman-Hall, A., Gorris, M.E., Anenberg, S.,Bredder, A.E., Dhaliwal, J.K., Diaz, M.A., Fortner, S.K., McAdoo, B.G., Reano, D., Rehr, R.C., Roop, H.A., and Zaitchik, B.F. 2022. A GeoHealth Call to Action: Moving Beyond Identifying Environmental Injustices to Co-Creating Solutions. GeoHealth. 6(11).
Clark, S., Roop, H.A., Meek, J., Stephens, S., Blumenfeld, K., Hoppe, B., Millberg, L., Mroz-Risse, K., Tomlinson, E.K., and Wojchik, E., 2021. Climate Change Data for Minnesota: Understanding needs, uses and opportunities of climate information to help accelerate climate resilience efforts across the State. A report prepared for the State of Minnesota by the Dynamically Downscaled Climate Information Workgroup, the Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership.
Raymond, C.L, Faghin, N., Morgan, H., and Roop, H.A., 2020. How to Choose: A Primer for Selecting Sea Level Rise Projections for Washington State. Prepared for NOAA’s Washington Coastal Resilience Project.
Roop, H.A., Mauger, G.S., Morgan, H., Snover, A.K. and Krosby, M., 2020. Shifting Snowlines and Shorelines: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere and Implications for Washington State.” Prepared by the Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington.
Konecky, B. L., McKay, N. P., Churakova, O. V., Comas-Bru, L., Dassié, E. P., DeLong, K. L., . . . Roop, H.A., Yoshimura, K., 2020. The Iso2k database: a global compilation of paleo-δ18O and δ2H records to aid understanding of Common Era climate. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 2261–2288.
Snover, A.K., Raymond,C.L., Roop, H.A., Morgan,H.A., 2019. No Time to Waste. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C and Implications for Washington State. Briefing paper prepared by the Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington, Seattle. Updated 02/2019.
Salmon, R. and Roop, H.A., 2019. Bridging the gap between science communication practice and theory: reflecting on a decade of practitioner experience. Polar Record, 55(4), 297-310.
Errett, N.A., Roop, H.A., Pendergrast, C., Kramer, B., Doubleday, A., Tran, K.A., and Busch Isaksen, T., 2019. Building a Practice-based Research Agenda for Wildfire Smoke and Health: A Report of the 2018 Washington Wildfire Smoke Risk Communication Stakeholder Synthesis Symposium. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(13), 2398.
Roop, H.A., Wesche, G., Azinhaga, P., Trummel, B., & Xavier, J., 2019. Building collaborative networks across disciplines: A review of Polar Educators International’s first five years. Polar Record, 1-7.
UW Climate Impacts Group (Roop, H.A. & Casola, J.; co-lead authors), UW Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, Front and Centered and Urban@UW, 2018. An Unfair Share: Exploring the disproportionate risks from climate change facing Washington state communities. A report prepared for Seattle Foundation. University of Washington, Seattle.
PAGES 2k Consortium*, 2017. A global multiproxy database for temperature reconstructions of the Common Era. Scientific Data 4: 170088. *Australasia writing team
Illingworth, S. & Roop, H.A., 2015. Developing Key Skills as a Science Communicator: case studies of two scientist-led outreach programmes. Geosciences 5: 2-14.